Statistical Analysis for Medical Research Using STATA (75 KWD)
السبت، ٠١ سبتمبر
|Sahara Kuwait Golf Resort
One day workshop on Stata which aims to enable the researcher in managing data, performing basic statistical and epidemiological analysis, turning raw data into effective tables, figures and other research products.

الوقت والموقع
٠١ سبتمبر ٢٠١٨، ٥:٠٠ م – ٩:٠٠ م
Sahara Kuwait Golf Resort, Hunting and Equestrian Club, Block No. 11, Jaber Al Ahmad Hospital Street, Kuwait City, Kuwait
نبذة عن الحدث
This workshop will also empower the researcher to communicate confidently with the scientific community. Participants applying to this workshop are expected to have basic knowledge in biostatistics and do not require prior working knowledge in Stata.
What you will learn:
==> Data management using Stata
==> Describing qualitative and quantitative data
==> Numerically and graphically Univariable analyses
==> For means, proportions and rates
==> Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
==> Linear regression
==> Introduction to logistic regression
Who should attend?
This workshop is ideal for public health, clinical and medical researchers including physicians, medical students, study coordinators, project managers, medical writers, data managers, pharmaceutical scientists, statisticians, and those working in the health services.
About Trainer:
Name: Ahmed R. Al-Saber
Level: Master Degree in statistics, Ph.D. candidate in statistics, University of Starathclyde, UK
Experience: more than 10 years performing academic statistical analysis.