R for Data Analysis in the Health Sciences (75 KWD)
السبت، ٢٥ أغسطس
|Sahara Kuwait Golf Resort
Learn the R statistical programming language for powerful analysis

الوقت والموقع
٢٥ أغسطس ٢٠١٨، ٥:٠٠ م – ٩:٠٠ م
Sahara Kuwait Golf Resort, Hunting and Equestrian Club, Block No. 11, Jaber Al Ahmad Hospital Street, Kuwait City, Kuwait
نبذة عن الحدث
The purpose of this course is to introduce researcher to the statistical package R for data analysis. Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to use R to perform descriptive statistics including graphics, perform basic inferential statistical analyses including regression analysis, read and write data files, perform basic data manipulations (eg, creating new variables, merging data sets), write and use R script files, use R packages, write and use R functions, and perform basic programming in R including loops.