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Academic Writing for Postgraduate (100 KWD)
الأربعاء، ٠٩ أكتوبر
|Sahara Kuwait Golf Resort
This workshop is about improving your skills in academic writing. you will know how to make your bibliographies, thesis or article structure, databases and library searching and learning some academic writing softwares to enhance your ability in academic writing.
Registration is closed for this event.
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الوقت والموقع
٠٩ أكتوبر ٢٠١٩، ٥:٠٠ م – ١٠ أكتوبر ٢٠١٩، ٩:٠٠ م
Sahara Kuwait Golf Resort, Hunting and Equestrian Club, Block No. 11, Jaber Al Ahmad Hospital Street, Kuwait City, Kuwait
نبذة عن الحدث
Upon completing the course you will:
- have a good ability to write academic prose in English
- have a good familiarity with the formalities of academic writing
- be able to present their research findings in a clear and structured manner
- have a good ability to read English texts in their field and discuss them in English
- have a good awareness of various genres
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